Chuck Benson, our ace photographer, was out the other day and captured this great picture of what initially was though to be James Bond tumbling down to earth in a parachute, However, upon further investigation, it was clarified that
007 Gooding on his BIG birthday!!!
our sometimes bar tender, ex-British naval fellow and generally all round good guy Tex Gooding was parachuting to earth to celebrate his 80th birthday. Apparently it was a little bit more than 80, but COVID seemed to mess up the math a bit. All in all, Tex…a pretty cool way to celebrate your special day.
We will be playing Chinese mahjong. Open to Club members and the public.Please arrive a few minutes early in order to sign in and prepare to draw for a table.$2.00 per sessionCoordinators: Marilyn and Murray Sinclair
We will be playing Chinese mahjong. Open to Club members and the public.Please arrive a few minutes early in order to sign in and prepare to draw for a table.$2.00 per sessionCoordinators: Marilyn and Murray Sinclair