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Food and Fun Night

The first Fun & Food night will be held on Thursday, June 15th @5:00 pm. The meal will be a selection of pizzas with dessert, tea  and coffee to be served after a 10-end  game of Score 10, as 10 points will be awarded in each end and both teams can score. The sign-up sheet will be posted in the sun room early this Tuesday and last day to sign up will be Monday, June 12th. The cost will be $9.00 per person, paid when you arrive . It is the policy that if you sign up and fail to appear, you are expected to pay for your order, IF 24 hours prior notice of cancelling is not received by me. There is a place on the sheet for members who wish to eat but not play to sign up as well as a place for members who wish to play but not join in on the meal. Hope to see you there!
Ken Bucyk
Food & Fun Night coordinator


Jun 15 2023


5:00 pm - 8:00 pm