Introduction to Short Mat Meeting
For those members who are wondering what short mat is all about, now is your opportunity to find out.
We meet Tuesdays , Fridays and Sundays at 1:00 PM. No ongoing commitment required. The fee for each session is $3.00. We also contribute 25 cents a session which allows us to hold a get together at the end of the season. Last year it was a pizza party.
For the Information Meeting, the mats will be setup so we can explain what the various areas on the mats are, a few of the basic rules, suggested stance and delivery styles.
You will have the opportunity to deliver some bowls if you so desire.
Please wash your bowls before coming to remove any chemicals from them that they may have picked up from the green. Don’t put any polish or wax on them as that will absorb into the mats.
If you will be using Club bowls please arrive a little early so you can wash and dry them before we begin.
We hope to see you all then!