Hard to believe that leagues have wrapped up for the season and September is just around the corner. We’ve had all kinds of play on our lovely green and some really great opportunities to meet and play with novices, tenderfoot and experienced players alike. Here’s a summary of what wrapped up this past week. In Cut Throat, Bob Ashton came up on top. In Twisted Triples, it was Chris and Martin Fereday along with Janet Harding who came out as winners, and in Scotch Pairs, it was Trevor and Kathleen Motley reigning supreme on the green. A big thank you goes out to all who came out and played, and a really big thank you to the novices and tenderfoot players who made a point of coming out and playing. We hope that everyone had fun, learned a bit more about the game and enjoyed what it has to offer as a sport for life.
We will be playing Chinese mahjong. Open to Club members and the public.Please arrive a few minutes early in order to sign in and prepare to draw for a table.$2.00 per sessionCoordinators: Marilyn and Murray Sinclair
We will be playing Chinese mahjong. Open to Club members and the public.Please arrive a few minutes early in order to sign in and prepare to draw for a table.$2.00 per sessionCoordinators: Marilyn and Murray Sinclair