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PGOSA will be renting the green for the exclusive use of their members on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30. This activity will take place each Wednesday night from May 15th until September 25th. The club house and deck remain open to PLBC members. 

Week of April 8 – 14, 2024

Garage Sale

Thank you to those of you who helped out in some capacity. A special shout out to Lynne Hutchinson. We couldn’t have done it without you! I often went to the club and found Lynne busy pricing items all by herself. Lynne, it did not go unnoticed. Since Qualicum had their garage sale on the same day it was decided that we would promote each others event. That had a positive impact on our sales. We are still reviewing the contribution that having the container on site to our bottom line. Since the kitchen is closed until further notice maybe filling it up with garage sale items would be a good interim use. We thus avoid the container cost. Our minds are now busy exploring avenues to increase the number and value of the merchandise we are able to offer. Our numbers are down slightly from the previous couple of years but still respectable. As always, any and all input is greatly appreciated.

Garry Steele



We have a couple of events coming up this month; the open houses and the novice lessons. Although not necessary it is nice to be able to refreshments in the way of tea, coffee and goodies. To that end we need some baking. Please put what you bring into the freezer.

Thank you very much, Sandi Mitchell


Membership Fees

Membership fees may be paid by cheque in the Membership mailbox in the draw room, or by e transfer to the Treasurer.
Full membership $208
Social $21
Lockers $15

Thank you, Kathleen Arthorne



1) Click on ANY Day for the Event on the calendar
2) Registration form pops up
3) Input information that is required
4) Hit SEND
It is sent to Games, a confirmation will be emailed that it has been received.  A reminder will be emailed a few days before the event starts.

League Registration begins April 17 – Closes May 1

Spring Mixed Triples league. May 7 – June 11
Open to all players.  Limited to 16 teams
Duration 6 weeks   Entry fee $18.00 per team

Spring Cutthroat Ladder league. May 8 -June 12
Open to all players.  Limited to 25 players
Duration 6 weeks   Entry fee $6.00 pp

Spring Mixed Pairs League.  May 9 – June 13
Open to all players limited to 16 teams
Duration 6 weeks $12.00 per team
(Winners move onto district Mixed pairs held in September in Qualicum)


Volunteers needed this week!

We need volunteers to assemble the benches this Tuesday starting at 9:00 am. The work involves bending over and lying down underneath the benches. Please bring a screw gun (aka drill with Robertson #2 bit). The more the merrier!
Andrew Adamson

Week of April 1 – April 7, 2024

Fortis Team

Hi all,

Here’s the Fortis team that helped us out! Sanded and painted the frames they did.
Amazing and done in 3 hours on Friday, with more to come.

Andrew Adamson

Tarmac Upgrade

Here are some tantalizing photos of the tarmac upgrade.  Visit the club to see the real thing as well as the bowl shed upgrade, the magical improvement to the bowling green after a cruel winter and the initial steps to the benches and landscaping.

Andrew Adamson

Easter Greetings

Easter Greetings

The Board would like to wish all the membership and their families a very happy Easter.

From your PLBC Board


Week of March 25 – 31, 2024

Lawn Cutting

We are looking for 3 or more helpers on Thursday, April 4, 2024 to cut the grass around the green and do some tidy up in the gardens. Start time will be 8:30 am. If it is raining, we will postpone this. If you can help, please contact Andrew Adamson.


Closure of the Kitchen

Please be advised that effective today, the kitchen is closed (except for the dishwasher for the use of the bar). We are currently seeking a Social Director to take over the running of our kitchen. At the SAGM the Board will be looking for a volunteer to step up as Social Director. The Board and Club Members would like to thank Vicki and Mick for all their contributions to our Club.

Trevor Motley

Week of March 18 – 24, 2024

Garage Sale / Container / Donations!

The container is now at the Clubhouse. Please contact Garry Steele to arrange a time to drop off any items you are donating to the garage sale.

For book donations, there is a box marked Books for Garage Sale under the telephone desk beside the bookcase.


Lawn Bowling Fitness Video

The following is a link to some exercises that you may want to check out before the start of our bowling season. There are no instructions, just a video. They were developed by a fitness instructor and a lawn bowler. As with all exercises only do what your body allows you to.

Lawn Bowling Fitness – Dynamic Warm-Up (

Sandi Mitchell


Board News

Watch for some great changes to the front entrance to our club. The tarmac will soon be replaced so that there is a level,  attractive walkway to the clubhouse. Repairs will be made to the bowl shed and it will be repainted. Also, the front wall of the clubhouse will be refreshed with a new coat pf paint.

In the Fall plans are underway to increase the size of the equipment shed where the scoreboards, rakes, mats etc are stored. This will greatly improve the convenience of using this building.

The SAGM will be held on April 6th and there will be a volunteer recruitment. Please give some consideration as to how you might be further able to add to the enjoyment of our club by volunteering. There will be many suggestions available from the members manning the table. Be sure to stop and talk to them.

Also our Membership Director, Kathleen will be accepting membership fees for those who wish to pay in person.

Upcoming Dates

The events below can be found on the website calendar.

SGAM April 6th 1:00 p.m.

Garage Sale April 13th

Open House April 20th and 21st

Bowling begins April 28th

Week of March 4 – March 10, 2024

Donations for the Garage Sale

We’re going to try something different this year for the garage sale. Instead of a 6 day window to bring your donations to the club We have arranged to have a storage container  brought to the club as of Wednesday March 20th. This will allow you to, hopefully, make a few extra trips with extra goodies.

Instead of having specific times for the container to be open we will open it when you want us to. We just ask that you give us a little lead time to make arrangements. Please contact me when you like to gain access to the container.

Garry Steele

Book donations for the Garage Sale

Should be bagged and left by the library. Fiction, non fiction, hard and soft cover are all welcome. However, as there is limited table space please, NO travel guides, magazines, textbooks, foreign language, Readers’ Digest, encyclopedias or outdated reference books, such as old travel guides, medical books etc.  Any questions please contact Debbie Lawrence. Thanks everyone.

Debbie Lawrence

Week of February 19 – 25, 2024

Potential League for PGOSA Members

There are a few PGOSA members who have expressed interest in a lawn bowling league. In order to make it feasible about 20+ members would be needed to get a league started.  Interested PLBC members would be required to have a PGOSA membership in order to join in with them.  If you have interest in a PGOSA league contact Rob Matthews for further information.

Don Bouchard